Have you ever felt thankful but struggled to express it? You're not alone! Let's embark on a journey to cultivate gratitude in our lives.


As we kick off the new series "The Grateful Life," I am filled with gratitude that you are here! Being grateful can be easy when things are going well, but sometimes, life's challenges distract us from recognizing all the reasons we have to be thankful.

Gratitude starts by acknowledging who God is in our lives. Psalm 100 reminds us to shout with joy, worship with gladness, and enter His gates with thanksgiving. By recognizing that God is the Creator, the Shepherd of our lives, and the source of all good things, we can shift our perspective from our problems to His goodness. Understanding that He is in control and cares for us enables us to find peace even in difficult circumstances.

In Luke 17:11-19, Jesus encountered ten lepers in need of healing. When they cried out for mercy, He told them to show themselves to the priest, and as they went, they were cleansed. Astonishingly, only one of them, a Samaritan, returned to thank Jesus and praise God for the miraculous healing. The other nine missed the opportunity to express their gratitude.

Similarly, we often experience the feeling of thankfulness, but we forget to express it. Cultivating gratitude is about bridging the gap between feeling thankful and showing thankfulness. It might be awkward at first, but taking small steps can make a big difference.

Here are some tools to help you cultivate gratitude:

1. Keep a gratitude journal: Write down things you are thankful for daily.
2. Start and end your day with prayers of gratitude: Thank God for waking you up and reflect on your blessings.
3. Say thank you to others: Express appreciation to those who show kindness and support.
4. Meditate on scriptures of gratitude: Let the Word of God fill your heart with thankfulness.
5. Surround yourself with thankful people: Be encouraged by those who radiate gratitude.

Gratitude is not just a feeling; it is an action. Let's challenge ourselves to be grateful every day, finding ways to express our thankfulness to God and those around us. Remember, cultivating gratitude is a journey, and we may stumble along the way. But each step taken will bring us closer to The Grateful Life God desires for us.

Challenge Question: What's one thing you can do today to show gratitude to God and others? Take that step, and let's grow together in The Grateful Life!